Note: In the key, tmHjw should be tjmHjw. By using the entry Hrj, "chief", from p. 463, one can translate m Hrj jrj by "as chief with respect to it", or simply "as its chief".
Note: It is somewhat puzzling that the key has xpr.(w), rather than either xpr or xpr.(wj), since § 17.2 tells us that the full form for 3pl would be xpr.wj.
Note: In the key, m should be Hr.
Note: In the key, TAw should be TAww.
Note: As above at no. 27, one would expect mn.(wj) instead of mn.(w).
Note: In the key, jwtj sw should be jwtj-sw; cf. § 12.9. A more literal translation is "the one who had nothing" following Hannig, rather than "the one who had none".