Note: In the key, Smsw should be Smsww. The dictionary in the book does not fully suffice to obtain the translation "going above" for sHr, neither from Hrj, "go far away" (p. 464), nor from sHrj, "distance, distance oneself" (p. 467).
Note: In the key, Awt-a should be Awt a.
Note: In the key, (j)m(j) r should be (j)m(j)-r, and r(m)Tw should be r(m)T.
Note: In the key, aHa should be aHa(w). It seems that the use of the verb "can" in the translation is a matter of interpretation; it is not imposed by any syntactic considerations.
Note: In the key, zj should be z(j).
Note: It remains unexplained in the book why a double occurrence of R11 (reed column) would have the same transliteration Dd as a single occurrence, in Dd-^s^n^f^r^w. For Ddj however, the double occurrence can be argued to be the writing of a dual or false dual.