Note: In the key, jmj should be jm(j); the same in no. 9.
Note: The noun snDw, "fearful (person)", is derived from the verb snD, "become afraid", and the noun sxm-jb, "violent (person)", is derived from the adjective sxm jb, "violent" (cf. § 6.5).
Note: In the key, sSm should be sSm(w). The literal translation is "If you will be a leader ..." (§ 21.7).
Note: In the key, nt a should be nt-a; the same in no. 17. In the sequel, inconsistent use of hyphens will no longer be reported. The second clause, dj ..., has no expressed subject (§ 21.9), and literally means "(it) was made that they know"; cf. the second example of § 19.10, with the subjunctive instead of the passive dj.