Note: In the key, rx-nswt should be rx-(n)swt.
Note: Literally, m xd means "going downstream"; "sailing" is due to interpretation.
Note: For reasons of style, "barley" and "emmer" are not rendered in the plural in the translation.
Note: An adjective-verb such as wab, listed as meaning "clean" in the dictionary (p. 456) for its use as adjective, has the meaning "become clean" if used as verb; cf. p. 147, line -2: ``Adjective verbs describe a change in quality''.
Note: In the key, Hrj-tjwnj should be Hrj.tjwnj.
Note: For wnt, see the final paragraph of § 22.15.
Note: tp, "top", literally means "head".
Note: For r in the meaning of "spell", see p. 316. In the key, kAwt should be kA(w)t, nbt should be nb or nb(t), and jmnt should be jmntt. The reference to § 5.10.2 in the key should be ignored, in favor of the remark in the exercise itself on p. 318.
Note: In the key, jmj should be jm(j).