Key to V (a) from Gardiner
iw grt rdi.n.i t n Hqr Hnqt n ib Hbs n HAy
now I gave bread to the hungry, beer to the thirsty and clothes to the naked.
hAb.n wi nb.i r ^kmt in.n.i n.f xt nbt nfrt im
my lord sent me to Egypt and I brought to him every good thing therefrom.
iw nsw m pr.f mi ^ra m pt
the king in his house is like Re in heaven.
ix di.T DA.n Tn r Xnw
then shalt thou cause us to ferry you across to the Residence.
ink snt.k Twt sn.i
I am thy sister, thou art my brother.
gm.n sw Hmt tn Hr wAt di.n.s n.f t Hnqt
this woman found him upon the road, and she gave to him bread and beer.
Dd n.n wab ib.f
the priest tells [lit. says] to us his wish.
iw in.n Hm aA di.n.f sw Hr sA.f
the slave brought the donkey, and he placed himself upon its back.
(9) hA bAkt r itrw
they caused the maid-servant to go down to the river.