Key to XIII (b) from Gardiner
iw ir.n.i n.f Hwt-nTr tn m mAwt m inr HD nfr n rwdt aAw.s m aS
mA n tp n xtyw nfr sy r wn.s m-HAt
I made this temple for him anew in beautiful white stone
of hard stone, its doors being of new cedar from the top of the
hill-side, it is more beautiful than it was before.
Note: Translation of tp by "Gipfel (Berg)" in Hannig.
ir mdt tn n sDm rmT mitt.s Dr pAt tA
as for this speech, people have not heard its like since
the antiquity of the earth.
isT rf km.n.f rnpwt.f m nsw mnx ar.n.f r Axt.f
r Htp.f im.s r Dt Hna nHH
now when he had completed his years as beneficent king, he
ascended into his horizon that he might rest therein
to everlasting and eternity.
ir wnn s m pr nb.f sDm.f mdwt.f m Xrt-hrw nt ra nb
if a man is in the house of his lord, he hears [i.e. listens to]
his words in the daytime of every day.
ir ^wsir HqA pw n Dt nsw ntyw im
as for Osiris, he is ruler of eternity and king of those
who are there.
- Zonhoven, Oefening 33, 6:
ir ^wsir HqA pw n Dt nsw ntyw-im
wat betreft Osiris, hij is de heerser van de eeuwigheid,
de koning van degenen-die-daar-zijn [de doden]
ir iqr.k iw.k r HAty-a m niwt.k
if thou art excellent, thou shalt be mayor in thy city.
- Zonhoven, Oefening 33, 12:
ir iqr.k iw.k r HAty-a m niwt.k
als je bekwaam bent, zul je erfprins zijn in je stad