Key to XVI (a) from Gardiner
fqA.n wi Hm.f n-aAt-n mnx.i Hr ib.f r smr nb nty m a-Xnwty
His Majesty rewarded me inasmuch as I was more excellent in his heart
than any courtier who was in the audience-chamber.
ink rx n nty n rx.f sbA s r Axt n.f
I am one who knows for him who knows not, one who teaches a
man concerning what is advantageous to him.
Dd.n.f bin.wy n.i m-a sxrw tA nn wn ib n.s Hr.f
he said: How miserable is it to me because of the state of the land,
there is no heart of a man upon which one may lean.
iw wD.n Hm mnw nty rn.f r ^mn-xpr-^ra dr SmAw
the majesty commanded them to build a fortress whose name should be
Note: The proper noun ^mn-xpr-^ra, "Menkheperre",
is not included in the vocabulary; see an occurrence however on p. 72.
ir pXrt tn in nty mrt m Xt.f snb.f Hr a
mi nty n mr.f ir swt qAa.f st mwt.f pw
if this remedy is drunk by him in whose body the pains are,
he will be healthy immediately like one who has not been ill;
but if he spews it out, this means he shall die.
- Gardiner, p. 151:
in nty mrt m Xt.f
by him in whose body the pains are, lit.
by him who the pains are in his body.
- Gardiner, p. 152:
mi nty n mr.f
like one who has not been ill.
- Zonhoven, Oefening 33, 16:
ir pXrt tn in nty mrwt m Xt.f snb.f Hr-a mi nty n mr.f
ir swt qAa.f st m(w)t.f pw
als dit geneesmiddel gedronken wordt door iemand in wiens buik
pijn is, dan zal hij onmiddellijk weer beter zijn zoals iemand
die niet ziek is geweest; maar als hij het uitspuwt,
betekent het dat hij zal sterven
ink nTr Sps iwty rx nTrw rn.f
I am a noble god whose name the gods do not know.
ir ntt nbt m sS Hr pA Sfdw di.i sDm.Tn st
as to all that is in writing upon this papyrus-roll,
I will cause you to hear it.
- Zonhoven, Oefening 33, 7:
ir ntt nbt m sS Hr pA Sfdw di.i sDm.Tn st
wat betreft alwat op schrift staat op deze boekrol,
zal ik zorgen dat jullie het horen
ntk pt n.k-imy tA wn n.k ^gb imyt.f
to thee belongs the sky, to thee belongs the earth, Geb
opens to thee that which is in him.