Key to XXIII (b) from Gardiner
iw in.n Hm.f msw wrw r wnn m nxtw Hr ^kmt
ist ir pA nty nb Hr mwt m nn n wrw xr di Hm.f
Sm sA.f r aHa Hr st.f
His Majesty brought the children of the chieftains and their
brothers to be hostages in Egypt; lo, as for any one who
dies from these chieftains, His Majesty shall cause his son to go to
stand in his place.
iw.i Hr xrp kAt nbt ib.i Ax(w) n nTr ity Hr Hst.i
I was at the head of every construction, my heart being
beneficial to the god, and the sovereign praising me.
swDA ib pw n nb anx wDA snb r-ntt wi spr.kwi r dmi n
^gbtyw Hr tr n dwA
this is a communication to [my] lord (l.p.h.) to the effect
that I approached the town of Coptus at the time of morning.
Dd.i n m min awn ibw s nb Hr itt xt sn-nw.fy
to whom shall I speak today? Hearts are rapacious,
every man is stealing the property of his companion.
Note: Translation of snw by "companion" in Faulkner.
mk Hm.f pr(w) Hna mSa.f n nxtw r swsx tASw nw ^kmt
behold, His Majesty went forth together with his victorious army
[lit. army of victory] to widen the boundaries of Egypt.
in hr.tiwny Hr nn n mdwt
are you satisfied with these words?
ir.n.f nw sk sw anx(w) tp tA
he did this while he was living on earth.
smi.k n.n nty nb r iit
thou shalt report to us everyone who shall come.