Note: For published translations, see Brack (p. 47); for a picture of the original, see Tafel 41 thereof.
iw Smsi.n=i nTr nfr HqA mAa.t nsw bi.ty ^mn-xpr-^ra.w
I followed the perfect god, ruler of the divine order, the
King of Upper and Lower Egypt Menkheperre.
iw mAA.n=i nxt.w nsw Hr xAs.wt nb.t
I saw the victory of the king and what he did in all foreign lands,
ini.n=f wr.w n.w ^DAhy m sqr-anx r ^tA-mri
when he fetched the princes of Syria as prisoner[s] to Egypt,
HAq.n=f dmi.w=sn nb.w Sad.n=f mnw=sn
when he plundered all their towns,
and when he cut [down] their trees.
nn xAs.t aHa.t xft-Hr=f
There was no foreign land that stood up in front of him.
ink smn pA nxt.w Hr xAs.t nb.t
It was I who perpetuated this victory and what he did in every
foreign land,
iri.w m sS mi iri.ywt
by putting in writing [as] what had been done.
Note: iri.w is old perfective, in sg.3.m. due to smn, which literally means "he who perpetuated".