Note: For published translations, see BreastedI § 647 (p. 292).
HA.t-sp 8 xr Hm n.y nsw bi.ty ^xai-kA.w-^ra.w
anx(.w) D.t
Year 8 under the majesty of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Sesostris III; may he live eternally!
wD Hm=f iri.t mr m mAw.t
His Majesty commanded the creation of a canal anew,
rn n.y mr pn nfr wA.wt ^xai-kA.w-^ra.w D.t
the name of this canal being
``Good are the ways of Sesostris III eternally'',
m-xt wDA Hm=f m xnti r sxr.t ^kAS Xsi.t
after his Majesty had gone southwards to
overthrow miserable Kush.
Awi n.y mr pn mH 150 wsx.w 20 mDw.t 15
The length of this canal was 150 cubit,
the width 20 [cubit], and the depth 15 [cubit].