Note: For published translations, see Gardiner (pp. 335-336).
HA.t-sp 50 tp.y Sm.w 22 xr Hm n.y nsw bi.ty
^mn-xpr-^ra.w Di anx
Year 50, first month of the summer, day 22, under the majesty
of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Menkheperre, given life.
wD Hm=f SAd mr pn m-xt gm.t=f sw DbA.w m inrw
His Majesty commanded the digging of this canal,
after his finding it blocked up with stones;
Note: In DbA.w, read O36 for Y5.
n sqdi.n dp.t Hr=f
a ship could not travel through it.
xdi.n=f Hr=f ib=f Awi.w smA.n=f xft.yw=f
He travelled downstream on it, his heart being joyful,
after he had killed his enemies.
Note: Faulkner translates Aw ib as "joyful".
rn n.y mr pn
wn tA wA.t m nfr.t ^mn-xpr-^ra.w anx(.w) D.t
The name of this canal was: ``Menkheperre (may he live eternally!)
is the one who opens the road as something perfect''.
in nA n.y wHa.w Abw Sdi=sn mr pn Tnw rnp.t
It are the fishermen of Elephantine who dig (out)
this canal every year.
Note: Sdi is to be read as removing silt from an existing canal. Cf. Hannig: SAd, "schiffbar machen (verstopften Kanal)".