Note: For the complete text, see Helck17-19 nr. 457 (pp. 1480-1481). For published translations, see Helck17-22 pp. 118-119 starting from just after ``Inschrift''.
ir.y-pa.t HA.ty-a.w sDAw.ty bi.ty
The prince, the count, the sealbearer of the King of Lower Egypt,
tkn m nsw wa rs-tp Hr nb m bAgi
who approaches [i.e. who is allowed to approach] the king,
the one person who is watchful, when everyone is tired,
Hr HHi Ax.t n nb=f
while seeking something useful for his lord,
dhn.n nsw Hr mnx ib=f
whom the king had promoted because of the excellence of his heart
r iri.t mXr.w Ts.wt=f
for doing the requirements of his taxes,
im.y-rA pr.w wr dwAwy-r-nHH mAa-xrw
the great overseer of the house Duawy-er-neheh, justified.
Dd=f xr rmT wnnyw
He speaks to the people who are [alive].
Dd=i n=Tn xpr.t n=i Hr n=i
I will tell you what happened at what was done to me,
m Smsi iti.y
while following the sovereign.
Smsi.n=i sw Hr mw Hr tA xt xAs.t rsy.t
I followed him on water and on land, through southern
and northern foreign land.
n iwi sp=i m stp-sA
Never came my fault [a complaint about any wrongdoing]
in the palace.
Note: Faulkner translates sp as "fault".
iri.n=i mnx.w
I did what he said, being effective.
sxnti.kwi r mi.ty=i nb
I was more promoted than any equal of mine,
rdi.kwi m HA.t smr.w=f
and I was placed at the front of his Companions.
iyi.n=i aA r nw.t n.t nHH
I came here, to the city of eternity
Note: Faulkner translates nHH as "eternity", and niwt nt nHH as "necropolis".
iri.n=i mrr.t rmT.w Hss.t nTr.w
after I had done what people desire and gods praise.
smA.n=i tA m saH nb Hsyw n.y nTr nfr
I was buried as dignitary,
lord of praised ones of the perfect god,
Note: Faulkner translates saH as "dignitary".
qaH.n=i Dr.t Hr rn=sn
after I bent the hand [gesture made when bringing a
sacrifice] for their name.
iri n=i Htp-di-nsw mi nw iri.n=i tp tA
Do for me an-offering-which-the-king-gives as [at] the time that
I did [it] on earth.
Note: In the spelling of nw, U21 is an erratum; read U19.
ink saH n
I am a dignitary because of what he [i.e. I] did,
Dd nfr.t wHm mrr.t
who said what was good, and who repeated what was desired.
nfr pw iri.t Hr iri.ywt
It is good to do concerning what has been done.
[I.e. the visitor should speak the offering formula,
just as the deceased has.]