Key to § 67 from Ockinga
sDm.w rmT
Listen, people!
- Zonhoven, Oefening 20, 1:
sDm.w rmT
luistert, mensen
wDA r=k r Xnw n.y pr.w=k
Go to the interior of [i.e. Go inside] your house!
Note: For the imperative,
r=k can be used as r=f; see Gardiner § 252.
- Zonhoven, Oefening 20, 2:
wDA r.k r Xnw n pr.k
ga toch je huis binnen
isi ini n=i sw
Go and bring him to me!
- Zonhoven, Oefening 20, 3:
is in n.i sw
ga en haal hem voor mij
imi n=n TAw=k nb=n
Give us your breath [lit. air], our lord!
- Zonhoven, Oefening 20, 4:
imi n.n TAw.k nb.n
geef aan ons Uw adem, heer van ons
sDm.w ir=f Tn it.w-nTr n.w rA-pr.w pn wab.w Xr.yw-HAb im.yw-s.t-a.w
Hnk.w n mr drp.w n abA smnx.w mn.ww n.w Hm dm.w rn=i sHA.w
nxb.t=i imi.w Hkn.w n twt.w=i swAS.w Xn.ty Hm imi.w rn=i
m rA n.y Hm.w=Tn sxA=i xr msi.w=Tn
Hear, god's fathers of this temple, priests, lector
priests, acolytes! Make an offering to the pyramid!
Offer to the altar! Embellish the monuments of my Majesty!
Pronounce my name! Remember my royal titulary!
Give praise to my statue! Honour the statue of my Majesty!
Place my name in the mouth of your servants! My memory will
be with your children.
Note: rDi can be translated as "to place" according to
the entry for rdi in Faulkner.
In the vocabulary,
I take the w in the transliteration msi.w
for the singular form
as an error; this is confirmed by examples on p. 9 and p. 60,
where ms.w refers to the plural form. (For the sake
of consistency, the i in the transliteration
in the vocabulary should also be omitted.)
iai Tw imi mw Hr Dba.w=k
Wash you[r self], place water upon your fingers!
- Zonhoven, Oefening 20, 9:
ia Tw imi mw Hr Dbaw.k
was U, giet water op Uw vingers