Key to § 77 from Ockinga
m=k msi(.w) n=k xrd.w 3
Behold, three children have been born to you.
Note: As on p. 60.
Sdi nsw in Hwr.ww
The king was rescued by paupers.
- Zonhoven, Oefening 26, 2:
Sd.w nsw in Hwrww
de koning werd gered door armelui
msi=i m rk Hm n.y nsw bi.ty ^sHtp-ib-^ra.w
I was born in the time of the majesty of the
King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Amenemhet I.
Note: Entry for rk is missing from vocabulary; see Faulkner.
iw xwsi.w n=i mr m inr
A pyramid of stone was built for me.
Note: The translation for xwsi by "to build",
as in Faulkner.
- Graefe, p. 111:
jw xws.w n=j mr m jnr
Es wurde mir eine «Pyramide» aus Stein erbaut
isT ini msi.w iAw.w sn.w=sn r wnn m nxt.w Hr ^km.t
Now, children, old men and their brothers
were brought to be hostages for Egypt.
Note: The translation for iAw by "old man", as in Faulkner.
wnn is infinitive (§ 82).
iw Di.n wi Hm=f r rd.wi=f m nxn dm rn=i xnt mi.tyw=i
His Majesty placed me near his feet as child, and my name
was pronounced in front of my equals.
Note: Translation of rdi by "to place" in Faulkner.
gmgm hnw n.w hbny
The jar of ebony is broken.
- Zonhoven, Oefening 26, 1:
gmgm.w hnw n(w) hbny
het kistje van ebbehout is gebroken