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Additional data formats

The fonts file

The fonts file is a text file that tells the software where to find the necessary TrueType fonts, and how to map Gardiner codes to indices in those fonts.

A fonts file can be specified by option -f fonts_file in the command line of the call of res2image, but its default is the file called fonts.txt, located in the same directory as the executable of res2image.

The fonts file consists of the following parts:

The mnemonics

We consider the list of mnemonics fixed, and discourage tinkering with this list. However the list is not hard-wired in the software, but is represented by a separate text file called mnemonics.txt, located in the same directory as the executable of res2image.

Each line of this file starts with a string consisting of one or more upper-case of lower-case letters or digits, then one or more characters of white space, and then a Gardiner code.