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Differences between versions of RES
Version 0.1 (2002-6-26): first official version.
Version 0.2 (2004-5-7):
- Specified explicitly the unscaled size of short_strings.
- Added argument 'omit' to function modify.
- Introduced REScode next to RES.
Version 0.3 (2005-8-8):
- Changed arguments 'lr', 'rl', 'tblr', 'tbrl'
in the header to 'hlr', 'hrl', 'vlr', 'vrl'.
Corresponding changes to REScode.
- Changed arguments 'horizontal' and 'vertical'
in box to 'h' and 'v'.
- The distances determined by 'opensep' and 'undersep'
are now computed by two linear functions, to ensure these distances never
exceed half the available space between the boundaries of a box.
(A single linear function in previous versions led to serious practical problems.)
Version 0.4 (2014-1-1):
- Introduction of categories 'NL' and 'NU',
to accommodate for Unicode proposal N3349.
- Arguments 'xscale' and 'yscale' for named_glyph.
- Corresponding changes to RESlite, to distinguish horizontal and vertical
scaling factors.
Version 0.5 (to be finalised):
- Accommodate e.g. for tail of Anubis to be below baseline, by
a general argument to named_glyph.
- Deprecate 'open' and 'close', in the light of signs
'V11a' and 'V11b' in the Unicode proposal N3349.